

-“Two” Sleeping at Last 


My dearest two, it won’t come as a surprise when you find out that I’m an Enneagram type two or in other words a giver. I look forward to the day when you figure out your own types as for now I’m only guessing what you might possibly be. In so many ways I wish I knew mine sooner as it has helped me figure out who I am and what drives me to do the things that I do. In so many ways it has helped me connect the dots so to speak and work on being better about setting boundaries and taking care of myself. And I find that when my circumstances are particularly hard that I keep coming back to this song that was written with a type two in mind. In many ways it reminds me that at my heart I am truly caring about others and that learning to be loved myself should also be included in this life’s journey. I pray that by the time you read this that I am so much better at including myself in my giving and that I have inspired you two to own whatever Enneagram type you are as well, 

