Youngest Daughter,
Im writing you now that you are officially seven- as always time flies when you’re having fun!
It’s hard to believe how fast you have grown really, but I’m also enjoying the ride with you. You still continue to amaze us by who you are and are growing into. You seem so sure of who you are and what you need already and let’s face it, I need that. You are everything I hope to be- confident. I love that your soft side is your shy side though, holding you back long enough to really think things through first, thank goodness. If it wasn’t for that you wouldn’t have made it past three I’m afraid.
I would like to think most days I’m teaching you, but as any parent learns it’s quite often the other way around if you let it. We are discovering together what makes us better humans and what we each need in order to be our best selves. And my hope is that we both will be a person other people want to be around. To me that’s what matter most, the rest of the stuff works its way in.
Anne Lamott says it’s best, “Who am I? Pretty much the same as you. Human, flawed, gorgeous.”
Okay mini, let’s go. The world needs you too.
Happiest of birthdays my littlest love,
Love you so,
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