

I love what Melissa Reed says above when getting out of a scarcity mindset and instead thinking about what the spirit of abundance is saying in a tough situation. 
It must be a theme, but I find myself in another tough situation with someone I love dearly. In these types of situations I can easily start the spiral of how I did I get here- again?! 
But what I’m realizing is that: This. Is. Life. With Humans. 
Two or more imperfect people coming together. But what I’m also realizing is that I don’t have to be the one who fixes things. And in this specific case, I can’t. They didn’t pick me. They didn’t consider my feelings- period. I’m sharing this with you two because I’m guessing you will also find yourselves doing life with people that hurt you, whether intentionally or unintentionally. But you will also find that you can’t wish away hurt; feel it all, but you can still grow from it. 
You too will find a way, 
