I’m not who I was..

I’m not who I was..
I find myself in another hard situation with someone I love dearly. And to be honest, I keep asking myself how did I get here with this person again? And will they ever change? Grow? Ask for forgiveness? 
You’ll quickly find out that some people will never take ownership or accountability in a situation. And it’s beyond frustrating. Biggest understatement! But what I’m finding currently is that I can still become a better version from this heartache. And yes, even if that other person never stops or changes. That there’s a lesson here too and in everything. Sure I’ve made mistakes and will continue to do so, but I cannot take the blame for both involved and you shouldn’t either. I’m beyond grateful for who I am, even in this moment, and who I continue to become. 
Keep growing too my little seedlings 🌱 

