


It’s been a minute since I last wrote you both. I can’t help but sing the Dolly Parton song 🎶 “Workin’ 9 to 5, what a way to make a livin’…” 

I’m officially in the working- work force and it’s a different kind of hard. A different kind of busy. But what I’m finding is that even the years I spent behind the scenes and deep in the raising kids trenches that it all led up to here. And really I have been networking by just trying to connect with your teachers and other parents over the years. Now working for the school district, I see it. Nothing has been a waste. It got me here. 

What I hope for you both is that you too will find your calling. And while I hope that’s right away; it could be like me, and later on in your working years. It feels good to get paid again doing something I love and care about. And to me, that is the definition of success right there. Our society wants the high paychecks and big titles, but what I’m finding is that success tends to come in a more humble package. 

Seek to find what your heart loves to do when the time comes to work. And then work with your heart, 

