


“You cannot convince people to love you. This is an absolute rule. No one will ever give you love because you want him/her to give it. Real love moves freely in both directions. Don’t waste your time on anything else.” 

-Cheryl Strayed 

I’ve been thinking of ways to add to this, but I’m afraid this might come out unpolished because I’m still experiencing this first hand. Cheryl’s quote can be taken in many forms, the romantic kind is the obvious way, but I feel her words can also be applied to any human relationship. Friendships. Extended family relationships. And perhaps that’s why her words are the harshest but truest of rules to live by. You simply can’t force people to love you back. You can’t force them to stay either. And there can be no explanations as to why others are acting this way, rejecting you. Being mean to you. Not giving their love in return. Which I promise feels like human torture. And I wish I had some magic pill to fix what comes with these emotions, but I don’t. I only have words like Cheryl or Maryan’s to serve as an antidote. My current antidote. I don’t share this to scare you into thinking all close relationships are doomed, but in case you find yourself like me someday, fighting for what you know to be true and to love yourself as I am even when others who should love you- don’t or certainly don’t act loving. I know it’s one of the cruelest parts of being human. But promise me you won’t abandon who you are to fit. To feel. 

That you won’t stay in a one-sided relationship. 

There are others out there that will love you. That will love me. I’m determined to keep finding them. You go find them too, 

