She goes on to say,
“You’re called to do something that will begin the process of changing your life, even though you don’t yet know what it is you must do. That’s okay. You don’t need to. The first item on your to-do list isn’t to know. It’s to trust yourself wildly. Go forward on your instincts.
Float down the channel of your curiosity, of your creativity, of your fears, of your ambitions, of your desires, of your dreams.”
It’s as if Cheryl is speaking to me personally here. I’d like to think so anyways. As I find myself at a chosen but still scary crossroads. The life I have been living as caretaker (aka Nanny) can no longer be, and while leaving isn’t what worries me, it’s not knowing what’s next that does. This is why her words here give me comfort. My very calculated/ rule following heart always wants to know my next step. Actually, the next twenty. But this time, while I have my resume ready and an idea of what I want to do next, I’m having to wait for an opening. And then an interview. And then the actual starting of a new job. You get my point-
I’m sharing this with you both now because you may find yourselves in a similar situation someday. And whether you find yourself at the actual fork in the road planned or unplanned, I hope you’ll find out what I am right now-
That I had to do something hard so I could know my own strength.
That I had to do something new so I could find my own courage.
That life as I know it will never be the same, but also that this new path is apart of my journey (whatever it is),
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