“If you have ever experienced an unexpected darkness, a silence and stillness you aren’t used to, know that these hard times, these devastating disappointments, these seasons of suffering are not for nothing. They will grow you. They will shape you. They will soften you. They will allow you to experience God’s comfort and compassion. But you will find life-giving purpose and meaning when you allow God to take your painful experience and comfort others. You will be able to share a unique hope because you know exactly what it feels like to be them.”
-Lysa Terkeurst
I’ve talked about compassion here before, but this time I also wanted to make sure you both know to leave the door open to compassion for yourselves first. You can’t heal other people if you aren’t healed. Keep turning inward and give yourselves the patience and compassion for as long as it takes to move through whatever difficult circumstances or season you find yourselves in,
and I will too-
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