The full quote from above is,
“Nothing has a more disturbing influence psychologically on children than the unlived life of the parent.”
-Carl Jung
I am clinging to Carl’s words as I am making the slow transition from nanny to working outside of the home again. I say slow, because for almost two years now I have made this slow-paced decent; first releasing the oldest three, then the next two, and now waiting for my last kiddo to take the plunge (or in other words, go to Kindergarten). For the past ten years I have had my foot on both sides: as stay-at-home mom and the other as a working mom. It’s been this dance of loving four other kids while also loving you two all without showing favoritism or screaming the clean-up song (you guys are tornados), and the real struggle of being the fun one (I’m a big kid myself) and authoritarian with high expectations. Needless to say, your worlds are changing and your growing, so my world has to change too. I’ll be honest, I probably have stayed longer than I should have, but perhaps that’s because I’m still a nanny currently and the joy of parenting along side their family is gone. Is that a natural course when half the team is now preteen? Perhaps, but if the day comes when you are reading this and you wondered why I traded the comfortable role in childcare for just parenthood, I hope these words by Carl Jung ring true-
I’m choosing a new adventure,
I’m living,
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