Pain 2.0-



“The pain of the valley isn’t a punishment; it’s a privilege. It’s a training ground to prepare us for our calling. It’s in the tension that our character is refined. It’s there that we gain the tender strength, empathy, wisdom, and perseverance that we need to succeed at what truly matters in this life.” 

-Jordan Lee Dooley 

This is your mother speaking, I come from a place right now in the valley and not from the other side- yet. I’m admitting this because I have a tendency to look “put together” and “okay” at all times; but this past month especially, has tested me in ways I haven’t faced before. And that is, I can’t fix everything! My personality and even badge of honor in the past has been to not only soldier on, but also to be the sacrificial lamb. And even take on other’s emotions and pain. But what I’m still learning is that I have far less control and don’t need control in order to gain everything Jordan so beautifully said above. I’m continuing to be refined, and I know that it’s only possible through pain and tribulations. 

I’m proof that we can gain the strength, empathy, wisdom, and perseverance through the ashes of our current circumstances. I’m also proof that the pain won’t last forever; but what comes from it can make lasting changes for the better if we let it, 

I will rise again- 

