Beautiful (Part Two)-

 “You will never find something that makes you feel beautiful, smart, or loved until you believe you already are. And you are.” 

-Courtney Carver 


True story, 

Growing up I wanted desperately to feel accepted by my classmates but more importantly who I thought was my friends. I clung to the lie that if I wore the clothes that made me look a certain way to them (I was going for the whole adorable look) and said all the right things that I would have what a needed- to be loved. Spoiler alert, those “friends” that I was striving to be perfect for never made me feel accepted or loved. It always seemed just out of reach. But with my true friends, I never had to be or wear anything special to get that from them. And you would think grade school would of been enough of a wake up call! But to be honest, I continued to feed myself the lies that I could find something out there that would make me feel especially beautiful and in return loved until well into my thirties when I finally had enough. It’s a rat race and one that no one can win at by the way. 

After I truly became comfortable who I was without any extra,

-I did feel more beautiful, smart, and loved because I believed it first, 

