It feels like a dirty word so to speak. But to a certain degree I think we all struggle with feeling the need to be “perfect.” Some more than others and I’m afraid I’m one of them. If perfectionism was a talent, mine would be at the top of my résumé like a badge of honor. But it isn’t plain and simple. I have realized though that my struggle with trying to be perfect is really just the need and want to control my life so that I can avoid the bad. I hate when things go wrong. I hate when I’m sad, left out, angry, and worst of all, disappointed. But I’ll be honest with you, I’ve felt those emotions even in the process of being “perfect.” Carefully calculating my life hasn’t always spared me in other words.
But Louise O’Neill says it better,
“I was more than just a body, I realized. I was something sacred. Divine. I did not need to demand perfection, to deprive myself of joy until I thought I was good enough to deserve it.”
Spoil alert, please don’t demand perfectionism in your life. Please don’t wait until you are an adult and it has become unhealthy. Please don’t wait for joy until you “deserve” it. I feel like I could keep going with these pleas, but I will end with- you aren’t perfect and I don’t want you to be. I want you to feel because we all do. There’s room to be human I’m finding, and if not in others, always in your heart. But even more so, remember you are sacred. Divine. Just as you are,
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