Lysa goes on to say,
“If you want people to use such great words to describe you, think about the decisions you are making. How are they leading people to describe you? Great descriptions are birthed from great decisions. The decisions we make, make the lives we live. If we want to live better, we’ve got to decide better. Yes and No. The two most powerful words.”
There is a lot to unpack here, per usual. I’m sure your used to how my posts go by now! With that being said, I will do my best to keep it simple. I love how Lysa put it here in her quotes above. I believe she covered a lot without saying a lot, because I do find how we act or treat people to say a lot about who we are. I know it’s complicated though because we’re not perfect nor do we always control the narrative of what people say about us. What I will say in that regard is that I do my best to be enjoyable to be around and ask forgiveness when I fall short. But there will be times when people will say mean and terrible things out of fear, jealousy, envy, or because they themselves are hurting. Hurt people, hurt people. In no way am I saying that it’s okay; which is why I also included the first quote. Come back to who and what you know to be true, and who you truly want to be.
I always think of Maya Angelou’s quote about how people will forget what you said but will never forget how you make them feel. There’s more to her quote, but you get what I’m getting at. My prayers each day is, “Lord, be my words and let me be the person people want to be with.” From a (mostly recovering) perfectionist’s heart it allows me to be human without worrying I’ll regret everything I say or do each day. Is there decisions I regret; absolutely! But I do my best to be intentional with my Yes’s and No’s. And you can too.
Remember who you are,
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