This topic has been in my draft box for awhile now. I almost struggle with it as much as the sex conversation because so much of our society and even me most days have it completely wrong. Perhaps, broken is the better word.
There is immense pressure put on women especially to age gracefully and to look a certain way. But what I honestly have figured out is, that beauty is defined by those who are speaking and not necessarily good looking or thin (and well, genetics play their part too). What I mean by that is, sure there are beautiful people out there, but it certainly doesn’t always define success, popularity, wealth, romance…
In fact, true beauty is always found from within. I know, I know, it sounds like a bumper sticker when I say it that way. But it’s true. We all have unique qualities about us that either make us feel attractive or ugly. We all have preferences. We all have insecurities. We all wish for what we don’t have. And we all “hate” something about our bodies. But here’s the bigger problem:
We all are chasing our tails. Some more than others. We live in a society that’s constantly connected now (and comparing). We live in a society that can put a filter on everything or surgically change anything. And we live in a society that pushes perfection at ALL costs, (but mostly mask it as self-help).
But, let me get even more real for a sec.
I most days wish for a smaller butt, boobs, and thighs. I most days am completely okay with a bump on my nose from breaking it. Too extremes, right?! But I’ve found loving myself no matter what is the ultimate goal every day (not always an easy thing to do). It really does start with you to put the I in beautiful. See what I did there-
What I’m here to really say is, that I know you may (or may not) struggle with the way you look or weigh some day. That’s okay, me too! What I will add though is that alternating your body isn’t going to make you beautiful. You already are. It’s in the way you already look and especially in the way you act. No amounts of filtering, make-up, tanning, or surgeries can do that. Please remember that!
Just like I said before, no one can tell you what to do with your body. So please don’t let our human-ness and skewed society tell or make you feel otherwise,
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