I look at the picture above and think of two things,
One, your Nanie has aged so gracefully (meaning we have good genetics), and two, that no matter what- life is absolutely worth living for! Let me explain by saying that nothing prepares you for what lies ahead. Nothing. I look at this newly turned one year old and think, man you have no idea what’s coming! I still want to warn the young me that elementary school will first bring separation anxiety and then bullies. Church youth group will be even worse. Middle school will bring puberty (hello awkward). And somehow you will find your place in high school. But just barely.
What I’m getting at here is that life will bring both good and bad. And sometimes life in general will feel a lot harder than it should, quite frankly. But something that I’m still learning is, that no matter how much you prepare and brace for the bad, it still feels down right awful when you’re in it. Much like getting physically hurt, feelings can get hurt too even when you see it coming. No human is immune, some just hide the disappointment better. I’m not one of them. And it’s okay if you’re not either!
I know you both haven’t had as many hardships as me yet. You’re still young! But you both have had enough already to know that I’m even worse at handling them as a mother. I wish so badly I could protect you from going through what I have, or situations and people that I haven’t. But there is courage in still living through the bad. Courage for getting up in the morning even when you’re in the thick of it all.
Sure, there will be moments when life feels “over;” impossible. But I’m here to tell you, that bravery is continuing to live at any age.
No matter what!
And you are always worthy,
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