I love what Nancy has said above and what she continues to say, “We live in a culture that encourages us to avoid suffering at all costs. In response, we may try to numb negative emotions rather than surrendering them to God’s authority or trusting Him with the circumstances that make us feel out of control. When we feel anger rising up in our hearts, we can use it to justify a sinful response. Or we can let it press us closer to Christ.”
How good is that! Can I first say, where was this Nancy when I was in school?! I’ll be honest, I have let both my feelings and circumstances control most of my life, even well into adulthood. It has only been within the last few years that I have gone on a different path, and guess what, I have never loved my self more or had a stronger faith. That cannot be a coincidence!
I’ll be honest, depression and alcoholism runs on both sides of my family. While alcohol and drugs are not my problem, depression and anxiety have been in various seasons of my life. While I am susceptible to depression especially, I have allowed my feelings to control most of my life. I used to constantly be in a reaction mode. I would let my feelings dictate my happiness. There was even one point during my senior year of high school where I wasn’t sure my life was worth living anymore. I couldn’t see or imagine my future. I don’t share that to scare you, but instead to be honest. It is very easy to fall into that trap! To numb feelings with not just alcohol or drugs, but social media, material things, and even busyness.
There will be times in your own lives when all will seem lost or very bleak too depending on what’s going on. There will be times when you feel lonely. There will be times when you feel disappointed. Know that while those feelings are real, they do not last forever. Your circumstances are constantly changing and so will your feelings! With that being said, sometimes getting help will be what’s needed too. I have been able to face my depression and anxiety without a therapist or medication in the past, but I know that’s not the case for everyone. Knowing that I could of gotten help, especially during my senior year would of made a huge difference. I let my pride and shame keep me from speaking out. Don’t do the same!
My hope for you both is not waiting for overall happiness, but to find joy daily if possible-
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