

"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining, you make progress by implementing ideas." 

-Shirley Chishom 

"We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same."

-Carlos Castaneda 

These are two different people and two different quotes, yet they both have similar ideas. As much as I will hate it, life will toss you both around and spit you out. As a parent of young girls now, I'm afraid that we have only just begun with this concept. As you grow, and especially as you graduate and turn eighteen, life will have it's way with you both. My prayer is that you only have to experience enough to teach you instead of brake you. I will always want that for you. But, as pretty as that sounds, there are no guarantees. I have experienced many disappointments and loss. Sometimes all at once. I can tell you that loss is sometimes easier to deal with because it's obvious and you have no control over when people or animals die. Disappointments however, feel like punishments. Or mistakes. Something that you could have done different or wish you had more control over. But here's the thing, you don't have control over that either. Marie Forleo says it beautifully, You're innate power is immense. Your potential is limitless. You are unique, valuable, capable, and worthy of the dreams in your heart. Most of all, you have what it takes to transform and transcend whatever challenges you face. 

I love this because it's true. It's hope. It's powerful. Whatever challenges you face now and in the future, will not mean that life is over. Challenges are a way to start new or define what you really want. In my own experience, but also in so many other people- regrets, disappointments, unmet expectations, loss, and rejection have been the greatest teachers; more than when everything goes right. 

Know that you can absolutely grieve both loss and disappointments. You can complain even. Those feelings are not meant to be brushed off or to keep locked inside you. But also know that they will make you stronger. Don’t let them hold you back. Keep living. 

You are unique, valuable, capable, and always worthy-

